Tuesday 12 June 2007

June 4th: Day 2

The city is definitely more alive during the week. We had an orientation today, it was nice, we talked to a London cop and he was very entertaining for some reason...the accent maybe?? The Victoria and Albert Museum (V&A) surrealism exhibition was pretty good. Saw a lot of Dali, but my favorite part was the clothing. We met with the designers of the exhibtion...they were nice, the work was clean and simple but relatively safe I thought. Really disapointed at the grocery stores and I need to find peanut butter, and the soups aren't really soup. And they don't have shopping carts-very odd. I also think I am going to become a vegetarian while I am here.

haiku of the day:

The cop was awesome
Surreal and the V&A
Finally got food!

Quotes of the day:

"Don't get dipped"-Detective Constable David Pullum

total cost:

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